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High Quality
Gaining, in the market, an image of credibility and services.
Compliance with deadlines and goals of the clients.
JOAPS runs an enhanced and tailored version of.
Our organization optimizes every step of the business.
Our reputation meets all our deadlines with every client.
All customers are important to us regardless of the size of the order.
JOAPS Fabrics began its activity in May 1996 and is prepared for the production and selling of interior and exterior knitted and woven fabrics.It relies on a very experienced staff, expert in this industrial activity.In 2001, the company felt the need to strategically evolve, enhancing their qualitative component by implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) according to the reference standard NP EN ISO 9001:2000, which, in addition to internal advantages, offers external advantages, in terms of improving the quality of products and services provided to our customers.During the same period, it was relocated to a modern industrial space in Joane, in the municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão, a region with strong textile tradition.Since its foundation, the company has focused on technological upgrading, in the qualification of the staff and in constant monitoring of market factors that are crucial to a strong position against the competition.
JOAPS exists for the purpose of producing and supplying high quality knitted fabrics, always exceeding customer expectations.
Customer satisfaction is our priority
To work for continuous improvement in the quality of our knitwear and, whenever possible, to invest in more environmentally friendly solutions, in order to ensure the competitiveness of our products and the satisfaction of our stakeholders.
Employees as support for success
Continuously provide employees with the skills and resources they need to perform “well”. Promote sensitization and awareness of environmental impacts and environmental protection, so that pollution prevention is seen by everyone as a fundamental concern in the performance of their tasks.
Suppliers as business partners
The selection and assessment of suppliers are determining factors in the quality of our products, as well as the importance of integrating environmental concerns into decision-making processes, in order to spread these values to our partners and our supply chain.
Good environmental practices
We work continuously to reduce the environmental impact of our activity by applying good environmental management practices, properly managing the consumption of natural resources, energy and raw materials, and with an emphasis on careful waste management, as well as preventing pollution and waste.
Comply with legal, regulatory and other requirements to which the company subscribes and continuously improve
We are aware of our responsibilities to comply with legal, regulatory and other requirements to which the company subscribes and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the management system.
Building win-win relationships based on trust, integrity and cooperation, guaranteeing mutual benefits and the satisfaction of the parties involved.
The purpose of the code of ethics and conduct is to document a set of principles as a company with social responsibility that aims to establish a commitment among stakeholders to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Conventions of the International Labor Organization and the National and Community Legislation in force.
Joaps’ actions in the market go beyond the purely economic dimension. It
is concerned with identifying and managing talent, developing skills in the workforce that add value to the business and asserting itself through ethical and socially responsible conduct. Joaps is therefore committed to the following principles of Social Responsibility:
It does not use or condone human trafficking or the use of forced or involuntary labor, whether through physical imposition, threats or other forced methods. Does not apply any kind of pressure or withhold identification documents. It recognizes the right of its employees to leave their jobs by giving notice within a reasonable period of time. It encourages and requires its business partners to comply with this principle.
Does not use or allow the use of child labor. It requires its suppliers and subcontractors to comply with all applicable legislation on child labor.
Joaps does not discriminate in any way against its partners or its employees with regard to hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotions and termination of employment or retirement, on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, age, nationality, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, social or ethnic origin, political affiliation or religion.
Recognizes and respects the right of employees to freedom of association and representation, in accordance with their wishes expressed freely and without pressure. Suppliers and subcontractors must not interfere with the exercise of employees’ rights regarding Freedom of Association and their Right to Collective Bargaining.
It guarantees its employees respect for their dignity and will not use corporal punishment or threats of violence, and disapproves of any type of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal abuse or harassment. It requires its suppliers and subcontractors not to engage in any kind of coercion, harassment or acts of violence.
Ensure that there is no conflict of interest or damage to Joaps’ image. Under no circumstances can business commitments be used as a justification for satisfying personal interests. Business partners may not engage in any kind of bribery for the purpose of influencing any act or failure on the part of a Joaps employee or representative. Nor may they accept improper payments that seek to influence any act or failure towards Joaps.
or failure to act towards Joaps.
Ensures that remuneration complies with what is legally established, with at least
the legal rate and the professional category.
Requiring its suppliers and subcontractors to be paid fairly and in accordance with the laws in force. Ensures that working hours are complied with and overtime is paid in accordance with the applicable legislation, while also encouraging its suppliers and subcontractors to comply with the law.
Ensures a safe and healthy working environment for its employees in
in accordance with current legislation. Promotes compliance with safety standards
and recommends that its suppliers and subcontractors ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
Joaps Confeção de Malhas, Lda, undertakes to comply with and enforce all the requirements set out in the GRS standard, including its section C2 – Environmental
Requirements and section B2 – Social Requirements. Joaps also undertakes to
comply with all the requirements of the eco-label standards that apply to the company on its own initiative, such as GOTS, OCS, GRS, BCI, Oeko-tex and all future standards that may be implemented in the company.
Joaps is committed to the protection of the environment, seeking a
sustainable development of its activities, adopting preventive measures,
correction and control of contaminating factors related to its purpose,
introducing improvement actions in order to increase resource efficiency and minimize pollutants.
Raising awareness among stakeholders, especially its employees, suppliers and subcontractors, is an integral part of its environmental policy. Joaps is therefore committed to identifying, documenting and promoting the rational and efficient use of the resources necessary for its proper functioning, creating improvement objectives based on the applicable legal and legislative requirements and, above all, a commitment to economic and environmental sustainability.
It complies with the national and international legislation and regulations applicable to its activity, requiring its suppliers and subcontractors to comply in the same way.
Joaps, Confeção de malhas, Lda, is committed to carrying out its activity based on the following points:
– The rational and environmentally appropriate use of available resources. To support this commitment, we assess the environmental impact of our activity and adopt the necessary practices to become an increasingly environmentally responsible company.
– Establish and comply with the applicable safety and environmental rules;
– Promote to all Joaps, Confeção de Malhas, Lda. employees
awareness of environmental aspects;
– Comply with legislation, reference standards and other requirements to which it subscribes in the area of quality and the environment;
– Continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality and environmental management system, ensuring compliance with its requirements.
Chemical Management Policy
At Joaps, Confeção de Malhas, Lda, we are committed to complying with all local
local rules and regulations applicable to production operations at our facilities.
facilities. Through the use of the ZDHC Gateway, we are committed to eliminating the hazardous substances listed in the ZDHC MRSL, managing the chemicals used and monitoring wastewater in accordance with the relevant guidelines.
We commit to using safer and more sustainable chemicals in our production processes to ensure the protection of our employees, local communities, the environment and consumer health. We are also committed to complying with national and international legislation and our customers’ requirements regarding restricted substances in our end products.
We actively involve and evaluate our suppliers and subcontractors to ensure
subcontractors to ensure traceability from the production process to the chemical inventory. We share relevant information transparently with all stakeholders, both internal and external.
We are constantly striving to replace hazardous chemicals with
safer alternatives with better environmental profiles. We carry out regular and ongoing training in order to update the knowledge and skills of all our employees, creating a healthy and safe working environment.
This policy aims to guarantee the safe, responsible and sustainable use of chemicals in our operations. We seek to minimize risks to workers’ health, protect the environment and comply with all applicable regulations.
1. Responsible Selection of Chemicals:
– We prioritize the use of chemicals that are safe for human health and the environment.
health and the environment.
– We avoid hazardous substances whenever possible and look for safer alternatives.
2. Traceability and Transparent Communication:
– We keep detailed records of all chemicals used in
our operations.
– We communicate transparently about the chemicals present in
products, both to our customers and to our stakeholders.
3. Proper Storage and Handling:
– We store chemicals according to the best safety practices.
– We train our employees in the safe handling of chemicals.
4. Responsible disposal:
– We dispose of chemicals properly, following local and national
local and national regulations.
– We prioritize disposal methods that minimize environmental impact.
5. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement:
– We carry out regular evaluations of our chemical management practices.
management practices.
– We constantly look for ways to improve our management and reduce our environmental impact.
– Senior management is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation of this policy.
– All employees must follow the guidelines set out in this policy.
Stakeholder commitment
In order to spread these values to our partners and our supply chain, we want our stakeholders to share this commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of their activities, as well as eliminating or minimizing risks to workers.
environmental impact of their activities, as well as eliminating or minimizing risks to workers. We would therefore like those responsible for external entities to commit to:
– Comply with applicable legal requirements and other good environmental practices;
– Have good environmental management practices to minimize waste production, through selective separation of waste, giving priority to reduction, reuse and recycling/recovery;
– Promote the efficient and rational use of raw materials, energy, water and other natural resources;
– Sensitize and motivate all employees in order to strengthen their awareness of environmental protection;
– Integrate environmental concerns into decision-making processes, particularly when contracting suppliers of goods and services;
– Participate in the monitoring activities carried out by Joaps, Confeção de malhas, Lda;
– Identify the causes of non-conformities and implement corrective and improvement actions.
– Comply with ZDHC principles in the use of chemical products.
Confidentiality of information
All business partners have an obligation to preserve the integrity and confidentiality of the information they receive as a result of their business relations with Joaps. The obligation of confidentiality will remain once their relationship with Joaps has ended and will include the obligation to return all materials associated with the company that they have in their possession.